Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Lost Republicans

The Republicans are wandering in the Wilderness, so to speak. Jindal is just the latest to try to claim the title of heir apparent, and came off last night as a weak version of Mr. Rogers (I swear that's what I was thinking as I watched his response). Invoking the Bush-led Katrina debacle as an example of how the government can fail the people was strange and surreal to the point of one asking "what the hell is he thinking?". He was preaching to the choir, not addressing the concerns of American people.

The real problem for the GOP is not the lack of a figurehead, but the lack of substantive message. All, but the most die-hard, right rail of the party, are tired of hearing the same worn, old mantra of cutting taxes, fiscal responsibility and smaller government from the same people, perceived by most Americans, to have landed the nation in this financial crisis in the first place. The electorate wants answers, stratagy, planning and direction, not sound bites like "Americans can do anything".

With people like Palin, Steele and Jindal stepping forward to assert a claim of leadership for the party, it really makes me wonder who the Republicans can successfully field in the 2010 mid-terms and 2012 general elections. More importantly, what new ideas can the GOP promolgate that will make it a viable party once again. So far, since 2006, their vision of viability and selling their message has presented them with less than happy results.

I don't see it changing any time soon.