Friday, February 27, 2009

Conservative Pathology

As I watched Jindal's Republican Response to President Obama's address to Congress, I was struck by how absurd the reference to the botched Katrina rescue operation was. Why would one remind us of the rampant incompotence of the Bush era. Maybe he is just being honest, telling it like it was, letting the chips fall where they may, so on and so on.

I should not have worried, because, you see, the story was just made up. A fabrication, a stretching of the truth - a lie.

It turns out that it did not happen as Jindal so earnestly told America. His staffers are now busy spinning the story and trying to put a happy face on their boss, but it's to late.

Jindal lied to us.

I don't know why I am surprised, because, after all, he is a Republican.

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