Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Misplaced Faith

Faith is an unquestioned belief posited in the absence of fact and is the fertile soil for the institution of superstition.
When people ask me why it is that I don't believe in a god - any god - my stock answer is that I am not a superstitious person. Ironically, they are often defensive and further state that they are not superstitious either.
The definition escapes them.
Plainly put, if there was any sort a deity, there would be overt evidence of being and there would be no question of it's existence. No such evidence exists beyond the realm of faith.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What is God?

Religion is, by it's nature, subjective. No two people conceive the same doctrinal precepts in the exactly the same way.
The god is always, to all believers, what they want their god to be.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Fulcrum of American Political Thought

Circa 2010....

Progressive: The idea is good, how do we implement it and promote change?
Conservative: The idea is bad, how do we obstruct it and maintain the status quo.